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Sundance 2021: “Life in a Day 2020”


Rating: 4 out of 5.

We don’t realize the impact one day can have on all of us. Whether it’s during the pandemic or just a regular day, it can change everything. Our perspective becomes richer, our horizons widen or shrink, as we celebrate the birth of a child while in some other families, they bury their own.

“Life in a Day 2020” by director Kevin Macdonald, following the concept of original, is an extremely ambitious and bold project that is a result of thousands of short videos sent by people from all over the world, as they shot a particular moment from their lives on a specific day. Compiled from 15,000 hours of footage from 192 countries, the film delivers an excellent view of what life in a day means, it’s meaning, beauty, and possibilities knowing no boundaries whatsoever.

Collaborated with YouTube and with its beautiful premise, the documentary reminds of what Virginia Woolf said once: “A woman’s whole life in a single day. Just one day. And in that day her whole life.” But that can be extended to anyone, not just women as a whole. Certain scenes are mind-blowing, touching and so deep, it will make you look around, sit back and wonder about your own day and how did you spend it. Did it make sense, were you happy, satisfied or was the day not fulfilling in the way you wanted? It provokes the most uplifting feelings, will make you feel positive and optimistic.

“Life in a Day 2020” is a showcase of perfect editing by Nse Asuquo, Mdhamiri Á Nkemi and Sam Rice-Edwards. Even though it’s a documentary, it will look like a well-narrated film that has so many actors in it. Indeed, Shakespeare was right in saying, “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts.” And that’s the perfect example of what you will see in the perfectly crafted “Life in a Day 2020”.

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