
Film Review: “Irresistible” (2020) ★★★★

American politics and its election is as complex as it could get. Whether you are an insider or outsider, it will take quite some time to understand the entire process. However, there’s one thing we’re all certain about – politicians are good at lying and are great manipulators – they know what to say and how to say when it comes to getting an extra vote. So what should the people do? What choice do they need to make to improve their community if the elected politicians choose to forget about their existence once elected?

“Irresistible” from writer/director Jon Stewart follows a democratic strategist who realizes that the small, conservative Midwest town called Deerlaken in Wisconsin is a decisive point that can help Democrats get a big win to forge a post-Trump America. After seeing a viral video, a retired veteran dressed like a conservative but with a progressive mind in a stand off against mayor Braun (Brent Sexton), the man leaves Washington DC behind to travel to a small city as a Democrat to recruit a man to run for mayor.

Gary Zimmer (Steve Carell) is a brilliant strategist that helped Democrats win some crucial seats. However, being deeply depressed after the shocking win of Trump, Zimmer, same as Democrats, looks for an idea or person that can help them get their lost position back. Thus, he was impressed seeing Colonel Jack’s (Chris Cooper) viral video and is sure that he is the fresh blood Democrats were looking for. Once his plane lands in Deerlaken, Gary’s luck turns right on him when he manages to convince Jack to run for mayor, but on one condition – Zimmer will manage the campaign himself.  

“Irresistible” succeeds at capturing the life of a small town in America and that all it needs is its politicians to hear them out. However, it’s investments and money that they need to keep improving the city. That kind of fund comes only after having elected a Politician that would keep his or her promise. What the film proves is that the same people would not mind voting either a Democrat or Republican as long as they get what they need. However, they are also disappointed by the fact that Deerlaken seemingly exists only once in four years when the election year comes, and once it’s over, the city is once again forgotten for good.

Jon Stewart’s ability to grasp American politics is fascinating. The opening scene of Rose Byrne and Steve Carell giving an interview in which they’re both looking forward to lying to American people because that’s what they are getting paid for, captured both Republican and Democrats in a dark light. He does not put either party above the others but focuses on the people of Deerlaken who, at the end of the day, will have to be smart enough to push their agenda and plan in such a way that they don’t end up in the same way after elections.

The cast of Stewart’s film is as irresistible as the title itself. Having Steve Carell and Rose Byrne sharing the same scene is like a highly anticipated dessert after a decadent dinner. Both of them shine in every scene like a pro. They are funny as always, intelligent and wicked. What else could the movie lover wish for other than witnessing a major stand off in 2020?  As for Chris Cooper and Mackenzie Davis, they create an excellent on-screen father-and-daughter duo. Their performance is so great, you would wish  their stories were told in a more detailed way.

Having that said, “Irresistible” is a fun movie to watch. It entertains the viewer through politics that would not get more absurd than it already is. Like a comedy show, “Irresistible” takes the stand of people that must take care of themselves first. They realize that in the world of politics, nobody cares about the poor. But all of a sudden they end up as a national headline just because they get to decide if Democrats or Republicans wins the hot spot or not. But in the world of big money, the rich is not the one that always wins which “Irresistible” thoroughly proves in a hilarious way using a perfect plan.

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